Calgary mayor Jyoti Gondek is supported by fewer than 1 in 5 residents, and likely cannot win re-election according to an exclusive poll commissioned by The Counter Signal.

National Public Research Canada (NPRC) polled 1,909 random Calgarians on September 4 to understand where Gondek and her likely opponents stand in the upcoming mayoral election, set for October 2025.
Residents were specifically asked who they voted for in 2021 and whether their voting intentions have changed since then, if at all.
Among a number of to-be-released findings, the most glaring is that incumbent Jyoti Gondek is polling at just 19.9%, a record low for a mayor in her position.
The poll gauged support for four other potential candidates including Jeromy Farkas, Jeff Davison, Dan McLean, and Sonya Sharp.
Least popular mayor in Calgary’s history
Unrelated polling from December 2023 by ThinkHQ data showed that Mayor Gondek is the least popular mayor in recorded history.
This survey has 1,116 responses, with only 30% approving of her performance, while 61% disapprove.
Coupled with our findings this week, there is a clear trend indicating her public support has continues to decline.
“For as long as there has been municipal public opinion polling in Calgary, there has never been a City Council this unpopular,” said Marc Henry, President of ThinkHQ, an Alberta-based public affairs and communication firm.
Last month, The Counter Signal reported that Gondek is allocating more taxpayer dollars from property taxes to her security detail than to environmental and social programs, despite declaring a climate emergency on the first day of her 2021 mayoral term.
Full poll results
The Counter Signal will be publishing the full poll results to Newsroom Insiders over the coming days, with insight into each prospective candidate’s current support.