Recent polling data reveals a significant shift in public sentiment regarding immigration in Canada, with nearly half of Canadians now supporting mass deportations of asylum claimants.

A Leger poll conducted for the Association for Canadian Studies found that 48% of respondents believe mass deportations are necessary to curb illegal migration.
This poll shows a growing concern among Canadians about immigration policies and their implications for Canadian society, as reported by The National Post.
Furthermore, the same poll indicated that 65% of Canadians feel the country is accepting too many legal immigrants, a notable increase from 50% just a year ago.
While 61% of respondents said they believe immigrants make important cultural contributions to Canada, reservations about not just illegal immigration but legal immigration have reached a tipping point.
There is also a growing belief that the immigration system is not being managed effectively by the Liberal government.
The Trudeau Liberals recently announced plans to reduce immigration levels for the years 2025 to 2027, slightly, though their yearly targets still remain significantly higher than what they were under the Harper Conservatives.
The Liberals initially planned to take in 500,000 immigrants in 2025, saying they were needed to help build homes, but then later said they will only take in 395,000.
Documents released by the Liberals this week indicate that the CBSA has lost track of 29,731 individuals who didn’t show up for their deportation arrangement.