Chief Medical Officer Deena Hinshaw continues to spill the beans on the pandemic fraud perpetrated by the Alberta government as she’s cross-examined in court for the fourth day.

Over the week, Hinshaw has bumbled around several challenges posed by lawyer Leighton Grey of the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms (JCCF) as part of a civil suit against alleged constitutional rights violations perpetrated by the Alberta government.
These deaths like many others are by Hinshaw and kenney’s hands
— Dustin PREM-SINGH-Penner (@Dustinpenner25) April 7, 2022
Hinshaw has feigned uncertainty throughout the trial regarding the science she used to justify harmful pandemic measures.
For example, as reported by True North, when asked about the over-reporting of death totals by conflating those who die “from” COVID versus “with” COVID, Hinshaw said, “It’s part of the ongoing checking process,” and claimed that more time is needed before they can determine anything.
Other times, Hinshaw has been vague. Yesterday, she all but conceded that there was no evidence masks work, despite the mandates. From the JFFC’s report on the hearing, Hinshaw couldn’t specify a particular study, eventually causing her to play the ‘all my colleagues think so’ card.
“Mr. Grey stated that it is unknown whether masking works. Dr. Hinshaw then started to break down the types of masking studies done, for individuals, for society as a whole etc. She said it was important to “look at the totality of that evidence,” the Justice Centre writes.
“She believes, in her opinion, the evidence supports the use of masks as one [Non-Pharmaceutical Intervention]. Mr. Grey pointed out that she basically admitted that there is no scientific consensus about the effectiveness of masking. Here Dr. Hinshaw started qualifying her statement, referring to the beliefs of her colleagues that support her beliefs, indoor settings, broad consensus etc.”
Moreover, as Sheila Gunn Reid from Rebel News earlier reported from the courtroom, Hinshaw ultimately fell back on hospital capacity as the reason for the restrictions on everyone:
“GREY: your orders impacted the liberties of 96 per cent of Albertans who were at no risk of serious health outcomes or death.”
“HINSHAW: if the hospitals are overwhelmed, healthy people could be impacted by a knock-on effect if they are not able to access the healthcare system.”
Earlier this week, Grey also made Hinshaw stumble around her bungling of ICU numbers.
Up to this point, Hinshaw has avoided hearings, and now we know why.