StatsCan data reveals that 250,000 asylum claimants are in Canada and waiting for the Canadian government to make a decision about their status.

Claims are taking on average 44 months to process, a staggering amount of time and resources given that some refugee claimants are costing the federal Liberals $80,000 each, per year, on things like housing (hotels) and food.
Since the beginning of 2024, 48,000 asylum claims have been processed.
Miller slightly lowers immigration
Along with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Immigration Minister Marc Miller recently admitted the Liberals’ immigration numbers are too high and will be reduced from 500,000 a year to just under 400,000. This backtrack came after smearing opponents of mass immigration as racist.
The Immigration Minister also said on Monday that more changes are coming to the asylum system, and he is aware that many claimants aren’t legitimate.
In fact, about 14,000 foreign students who’ve come to Canada this year alone through a study permit or visa have claimed they are in need of asylum.
“It is quite obvious someone that’s here, that’s been here a year or even more, claiming asylum where no conditions have changed in their home country – it doesn’t smell good, it doesn’t look good,” Miller said.
In March of this year, The Counter Signal reported that nearly 50,000 failed refugee claimants remain in Canada despite being aware their asylum request was denied.