Islamist group cancels caliphate conference, opts to go underground
Public outcry has forced an Islamist group that advocates for overthrowing sovereign governments to cancel its annual conference in Canada.
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Public outcry has forced an Islamist group that advocates for overthrowing sovereign governments to cancel its annual conference in Canada.
Up to 500,000 persons could be residing in Canada illegally, compared to the 68,000 military personnel safeguarding the country.
Mark Carney and Chrystia Freeland expected to announce their bids for Liberal leadership shortly.
Danielle Smith is refusing to allow Alberta’s prosperous energy industry to be used as a bargaining chip by the Libs amid Trump’s tariff threat.
Carney brands himself as an “outsider” despite previously calling himself an advisor to the Trudeau government.
The Liberals claim that “all the experts” know that Elon Musk’s X platform cannot be trusted as a news source.