Alberta calls for legalized pepper spray, mandatory minimums

Alberta’s Minister of Justice Kaycee Madu wants Trudeau to pass the pepper.

In a letter to his federal counterparts, Madu didn’t mince words. At risk Canadians should be able to defend themselves with pepper spray – which is currently outlawed in the Criminal Code.

BC fire emissions set to eclipse oil sands

British Columbia’s emissions from forest fires are likely to eclipse Alberta’s oil sands emissions in 2021. 

Data from the Global Fire Emissions Index show that in 2018 B.C. released 48.9 megatons of CO2 into the atmosphere. In 2021, that number could double after all the carnage is accounted for.

Fat white woman on the run after trying to burn church

The twice targeted St. George Coptic Orthodox Church has burned to the ground in the middle of Surrey, BC, after a failed attempt on Wednesday. RCMP are now looking for a “heavy set” white woman who was caught trying to set the doors on fire.

EXCLUSIVE: Alberta to vote on ending biannual time change

According to the Premier’s Office, Jason Kenney will announce his second referendum at the McDougall Centre on Thursday.

Albertans will already be voting on a review of the federal equalization plan in October, but will now also be asked if they want to end the twice-annual time blip.