Guilbeault pushing for global carbon tax following WEF recommendation

Steven Guilbeault is encouraging foreign countries to adopt a global carbon tax on international marine transportation.
CBC guest says network tried to get him to defend Liberals

CBC guest chastises network, claiming they misled him before interview, then tried to have him deflect blame away from Trudeau.
RCMP arrest repeat offender selling hard drugs prescribed by doctors

Another drug bust has just taken place in Canada involving opioids prescribed by doctors under ‘safe supply’ policies.
Joly says Canada “ready” for possible mass influx of migrants from the US

Joly says Canada is “ready” for potential mass influx of asylum claimants and that Canada’s border “well-guarded.”
Growing calls for high school principal to be fired after playing Arabic song on Remembrance Day

Ontario principal plays Arabic-language Palestinian protest song during Remembrance Day, says it’s more inclusive given that most fallen Canadian soldiers were white.
CBC falsely states that Indigenous bodies have been found at former residential schools

The CBC repeats the false claim that human remains have been discovered at former residential schools in Canada.
IRCC overlooks tracking as 5M temp permits near expiry

IRCC says 5 million temp residents set to have visas expire by Dec. 2025, but they won’t track if they leave Canada when legally required.
Elon Musk says Trudeau’s days are numbered

Musk predicts Trudeau will lose the next election in his latest swipe at the PM.
Conservatives propose “Anti-Arson Act” in wake of church attacks

After the NDP-Liberals denied a motion to condemn church burnings across Canada, the Conservatives have proposed a bill that would increase penalties for arsonists.
Parks Canada: “Not possible” to say when Guilbeault was warned about Jasper’s pine-beetle infestation

Parks Canada says that they’re unable to provide an accurate response regarding when they informed Steven Guilbeault about Jasper’s pine beetle infestation.