Renowned public health expert Bill Gates gave tens of millions of dollars to various Canadian pharmaceutical and biotech research companies throughout the pandemic through the Gates Foundation.

The following is a list of various pharmaceutical and biological research facilities, not including universities, that Bill Gates has funded between 2020-2022:
- $3,300,000 was given to the Institut de Cardiologie de Montreal to “provide effective, accessible, scalable treatment for COVID-19.”
- $2,509,762 was given to Emerging Ag Inc. to “increase awareness and understanding of possible gene drive applications for public good purposes within international policy forums.”
- $2,019,244 was given to Nexelis Laboratories Canada Inc. to “provide centralized assays to support studies of vaccine and monoclonal antibody candidates.”
- $1,399,280 was given to the Hospital for Sick Children to “document county successes in the reduction of anemia among women of reproductive age, and [sustainable development goals] indicator.”
- $1,541,258 was given to the Hospital for Sick Children to “improve key MNCH practices, care seeking behaviours, immunization coverage, nutritional status, and community knowledge in Pakistan.”
- $2,374,159 was given to the Hospital for Sick Children to “evaluate and advance a novel technological platform to increase the potency and breadth of monoclonal antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 and other infectious disease agents.”
- $288,556 was given to Precision Nanosystems, Inc. to “assess the potential of a novel mRNA manufacturing platform for future pandemic responses.”
- $50,200 was given to Cytel Canada Health Inc. to “facilitate rapid acquisition of knowledge regarding COVID-19 trials that were developing since early 2020.”
- $4,974,305 was given to the Structural Genomics Consatorium to “accelerate the NHC pipeline, Target Enabling Packages (TEPs) will help validate a diverse set of targets enabling a critical mass of reagents to allow biochemical and chemical characterization of proteins linked to the role of fertility.”
- $997,826 was given to Elarex Inc. to “develop liquid thermostable mRNA vaccines for the low- and middle-income countries (LMICs).”
- $2,118,334 was given to Providence Therapeutics to “develop low cost mRNA vaccines.”
- $1,510,994 was given to AbCellera Biologics Inc. to “identify potent anti-RSV monoclonal antibodies to protect infants in low and middle income countries from RSV infection morbidity and mortality.”
- $100,000 was given to the Canadian Partnership for Women and Children’s Health to “provide general operating support.”
In total, Bill Gates has provided $23,183,918 to pharmaceutical companies and biological research facilities in Canada alone in just over two years, of which much is COVID-related.
But this is just the tip of the iceberg. Gates has also dolled out tens of millions of dollars to Canadian universities over the last two years for everything from research to health policy agenda contributions to “build[ing] a coalition of donors and partners in supporting developing countries [in] rais[ing] more property tax revenue.”
Indeed, one of Gates’s largest grants went to the University of Manitoba, which received $6,483,054 to fund COVID vaccine programs in India. Using Canadian institutions to progress various agendas abroad is a common trend in Gates’s donations.
And funding COVID-related projects isn’t the only thing on Gates’s list of pet projects in Canada, either. Gates is also focused on fertility in Canada, specifically on reducing it.
In November 2020, Bill Gates gave the University of Toronto $1,902,266 to “develop low-cost non-hormonal contraceptives with fewer side effects by engineering single-domain camelid antibodies (nanobodies) to block fusion between two exclusive sperm and egg proteins, which is required for fertilization.”
In the interests of lowering Canada’s birth rate, Gates also, of course, supported several abortion initiatives under the guise of “family planning.”
In October 2020, Gates gave $458,260 to Action Canada for Sexual Health and Rights to “provide capacity support for Family Planning advocacy coordination in Canada.” Front and centre on Action Canada for Sexual Health’s homepage is an offer for visitors to “Help fund abortion access.” The word “family” is nowhere to be found.
He has also aided Canadian organizations in promoting abortion abroad.