British Columbia’s Provincial Health Officer, Dr. Bonnie Henry, has renewed her call for parents to vaccinate their children against COVID.

“Getting your children vaccinated is the best way to protect them from vaccine-preventable illnesses that can cause serious illness, long-term disability and even death,” she said in a Monday release.
“Children six and under are eligible for free vaccines to protect them from more than a dozen diseases, such as COVID-19, influenza, polio, measles and chickenpox,” she added.
Henry’s push for 6-year-olds to receive COVID vaccinations comes as new research from England casts doubt on the overall safety and effectiveness of these vaccines in children and adolescents.
The study, conducted in collaboration with NHS England, analyzed data from over one million children and adolescents who received the BNT162b2 vaccine (Pfizer-BioNTech).
The study found a notable risk of adverse events, particularly myocarditis and pericarditis, among adolescents who received the vaccine.
“All myocarditis and pericarditis events during the study period occurred in vaccinated individuals,” the researchers concluded.
The study also found that COVID-related outcomes in younger children were so rare that precise risk ratios could not be established.
The study also showed that the risk of Accident & Emergency attendance and unplanned hospitalizations was slightly higher after the first vaccination dose compared to unvaccinated children.
Since the “safe and effective” COVID shots were mandated, a survey commissioned by Health Canada reveals that 1 in 3 Canadians are less confident in all vaccines.
Last year, an eight-year-old boy from Israel tragically died of a heart attack, three years after appearing in a government-sponsored video that promoted the COVID vaccine for children.
Bonnie Mengele.
I pray that John Rustad can win the upcoming election against the NDP and give Bonnie Henry the boot as he promises. I have read a lot of peer reviewed papers that agree with the premise of the study quoted in this article and also claim that children in this 6 year old age range are at minimal risk from this virus.
does it have children ? Some vaccines are necessary especially with all the new imports with who knows what sickness they carry . there might be a resurgence of polio measles or who knows what else
That may have been the case in the past, but I wouldn’t trust ANY vaccine these days. I’m suspicious about any additional ingredients they might have added.
It would seem that all new vaccines (including the new versions of vaccines for polio, chicken pox, measles, diphtheria, and others) will be mRNA versions like the covid-19 shots, so likely they will carry the dreaded gain-of-function capacity which is meant to CAUSE other problems, rather than give the expected protection from sickness. It would be useful to remember that the world is over-populated, and the rich people who seem to be in control want to “reduce the surplus population” [quotation from Charles Dickens’ A CHRISTMAS CAROL] I, too, intend to vote for John Rustad in the upcoming election, for a number of reasons; regardless, Bonnie Henry has got to go…far away from us.
Virus Mania
The Mythical Unicorns of Germ Theory – Archives(they’ve taken it down everywhere else 🙄)
Vaccines are loaded with toxic ingredients & parasites that cause most diseases like Cancer, MS, Myocarditis & sterilization. Virus theory is a Rockefellers psyop for jabs that injure & make huge money for big pharma & are used for population control… pneumonia is a protozoan parasite – hence no ivermectin or hydroxy. See the Flexner Report. Look up Robin Goffe re parasite eggs in vaccines on Rumble, & Dr Lee Merritt. See Attorney Todd Callender.
Use Yandex or Freespoke to research.
Horgan, and now Eby will not fire her, they are all cut from the same cloth. If the RCMP had an ounce of courage, Canadian law and the Nuremberg Code would have been upheld and all these psychopaths would be under investigation, It sure appears they want the people to sort her out at the street level. Then again many of us know who the RCMP/Crown ask for help behind closed doors when no-one wants to do the right thing or put their name on a problem, the ##’s, so says the word on the street.
What is most evident is that we have a country of unqualified cowards in charge, but that’s just my opinion from years of observation.
I am still hoping that she will be sent to prison for her part in the harm and distress she has created in BC. Shameful.
Unfortunately, we will all have to wait for her to be run over by the preverbal “bus” on the way to the office of killing, maiming, lying, and harming human beings.
DO NOT subject your children to ANY vaccinations, full stop! No medical professional ever champions to any parent the magnificence of the human body and it’s miraculous ability to fend off ‘attackers’ and heal disease. Instead, the protocol is to prescribe and/or vaccinate. Why is that? We must STOP participating in such madness! ..The preceding is noted being cognizant of special circumstances where medical interventions are a necessary and absolutely last resort.
The COVID vaccine is a bio-weapon. The risk far outweighs the benefit (since there isn’t any,) so the only reason you would do this is to kill people. Your government wants you dead, and if the can’t covertly kill you, then they want you enslaved through debt, taxes, and inflation.
She is getting kickbacks from big pharma. She is a monster.
She’s an evil demon I would not pee on her to put her out if she was on fire
One sick lady, but Agent Tam and Pharma Bill will be proud.