The Canadian government finally admits the experimental COVID vaccine has killed at least four Canadians, a February 17 update shows.

Before this update, Health Canada had acknowledged reports of over 400 deaths from the COVID vaccine. However, the department had not confirmed any of them.
As of February 17, of the 419 deaths reported to Health Canada, the department now says that “4 deaths were consistent with causal association to immunization.”

Health Canada further reports that the other 415 deaths cannot verifiably be related to the COVID vaccine due to a lack of information.
The most recent update also indicates that 10,582 Canadians suffered a serious adverse effect from the jabs.
Additionally, data shows Canada had way more Covid deaths in 2022, with a 85% vaccinated population and a less deadly Covid variant than in 2020, with 0% vaccinated.
In 2020, the total Covid deaths reported to the Public Health Agency Canada by provinces and territories was 9,225. The first death was recorded in March.
In 2021, as vaccines became accessible to Canadians between January and July, Covid deaths slightly increased to 9,934.
And, in 2022, with an approximately 85% vaccinated population in January and a less deadly Covid variant dominant, Health Canada data shows 15,844 deaths occurred due to Covid – almost double the number of deaths in 2020 when citizens were “unprotected.”
Earlier this week, following a Bloq-led motion to have a committee study the COVID vaccine contracts Trudeau signed with Big Pharma, Liberal MP Anthony Housefather proposed a successful amendment to have committee members sign Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDA), indicating Canadians will never have access to the agreements.
While arguing on behalf of the NDA, Housefather said companies couldn’t be held liable because they were pressured to “do [safety] testing in an unprecedented way, in a way that they normally don’t do it.”