Calgary Police mass arrest protesters blocking roads

Calgary police show other forces how to deal with Palestinian protesters in Canada that block traffic.
AHS accused of trying to vaccinate child in school against parent’s wishes

AHS tries to vaccinate child at school despite parental refusal
Gondek starts Remembrance Day speech by shaming Canadians

Calgary Mayor Jyoti Gondek gets lambasted on social media for beginning her Remembrance Day speech by stating that Canada is really only Indigenous peoples’ land.
Trump follows Danielle Smith’s lead on gender policy

Trump introduces plan to protect children from “so called gender-affirming care.”
Jyoti Gondek launches reputation rehab campaign

Jyoti Gondek has released a personal website to counter negative press.
Smith says Trudeau trying to destroy Canada before losing election

“It’s like a bad renter that’s burning the furniture on the way out.”
Danielle Smith says Justin Trudeau is actively destroying Canada before he loses the next election.
LANDSLIDE: 91.5% Approval of Danielle Smith

Sources close to Premier Danielle Smith have told The Counter Signal that the UCP leader has received a whopping 91.5% approval rating at her leadership review. Beyond the leadership review, party members voted on a number of policy resolutions presented by party constituencies. The policies are non-binding, meaning the UCP will not have to act […]
BEXTE: Alberta has found a generational Conservative leader in Premier Danielle Smith

Premier Smith is likely to win her leadership review this weekend. The question is, by how much?
Detransitioners line up in support of Alberta’s gender policy

Premier Smith is leading the way on transgender-related legislation in Canada.
Smith cracks down on backyard butchers

Alberta’s government has announced significant changes to its meat inspection regulations, prompted by a recent surge in illegal slaughter operations and the sale of uninspected meat. The proposed Meat Inspection Amendment Act aims to increase fines for offenders from a maximum of $10,000 to $100,000 per offense. “We are taking action to maintain public confidence […]