Liberal rag gaslights Canadians into being forever renters

“While it’s easy to feel owning a home is a life goal, it might not be a bad thing to consider forgetting it altogether. Here are some benefits of being a lifelong renter,” the Toronto Star writes in an article entitled “So you may never own a home. Here’s why maybe that’s … a good thing?”

Canada hosts talks on Global Plastics Treaty

Set to be the biggest international agreement since the 2015 Paris Agreement, a cabal of globalists has descended upon Ottawa to draft an international legally binding Plastics Treaty to force countries to track all plastics at all times.

Liberals want to ban calling Trudeau corrupt

Free speech isn’t doing too well in Canada. On Friday, in response to PM Justin Trudeau and his government being called ‘corrupt’ repeatedly over their many, many scandals and ethics violations, Liberal MP Mark Gerretsen asked the Speaker of the House to consider a ban on the word.

Here comes the WEF Global Carbon Tax

“Under a “climate lockdown,” governments would limit private-vehicle use, ban consumption of red meat, and impose extreme energy-saving measures, while fossil-fuel companies would have to stop drilling.”

Gas prices across Canada soar to 2022 lockdown levels

Yesterday, Canadians across the country took note of rising gas prices and were able to record them rising by up to 22 cents on average in real time as prices shot up from an average of $1.51 per litre to $1.73 in mere seconds.