Jagmeet forces Trudeau to hijack school jurisdiction from provinces

The Prime Minister announces a federalized food program to address the increase in starving Canadian kids.
Washington Times publishes Op-Ed on potential link between rising cancer rates and COVID vax

Dr. Pierre Kory states that “we are facing an emerging toll of illness and death in the young. We cannot shirk from asking what is causing it.”
Australia launching excess deaths inquiry

Australia’s Senate will finally look into the country’s alarming excess deaths that remain well above the expected average.
WHO puts out “urgent” call for countries to finalize Pandemic Treaty

WHO calls for countries to finalize “urgent” Pandemic Treaty, says concerns over sovereignty are based on misinformation.
Judge approves 27-year-old autistic woman’s request for government-assisted suicide

A young autistic woman receives approval for Medical Assistance in Dying despite her father’s wishes against it.
Not just Kate: Study finds 8% rise in cancer deaths since vaccine rollout

Following the recently revealed cancer diagnosis of Kate Middleton (just 42), many have speculated that there seems to be an increasing number of young, otherwise healthy people being diagnosed with cancer and dying since the vaccine rollout. And studies say they’re not wrong.
Fisman’s COVID study triggers inquiry in House of Commons

Conservatives are digging into a controversial study that the Liberals used to justify their COVID tyranny.
72 doctors tell Bonnie Henry that prescribed safe supply isn’t safe

Doctors are increasingly expressing doubt over safe supply programs and urging for more research.
The Times of London calls gender-affirming care “Quack medicine”

Mainstream media is finally catching up, calling so-called gender-affirming care “a medical scandal of the first order.”
Father attempts to stop Alberta Health Services approving his autistic daughter dying in MAID

Alberta Health Services approves 27 year old autistic women of government-assisted suicide while her father attempts to stop the process.