Liberal Minister promises ‘internal review’ to find out how they awarded a terrorist citizenship

Conservatives call for open investigation, Liberal Minister responds by offering “internal review.”
Despite allegations of the Eldidi father’s involvement in a 2015 ISIS video that saw an individual getting dismembered, he was granted Canadian citizenship afterwards.
Conservatives call for investigation into Liberals giving Eldidi terrorist suspect citizenship

Conservatives call for investigation into how Eldidi terrorist was granted Canadian citizenship.
BREAKING: Trudeau naturalized ISIS terrorist in early years of power

The Trudeau Liberals accidentally let a known terrorist into Canada.
Ontario Government: Beach defecation complaints have persisted for years

Poop gate is real.
Government releases statement admitting they’ve received complaints about public defecation since 2020.
Human feces are fueling spread of rare illness in Canada

Multiple outbreaks of a third-world illness called shigella is on the rise in Canada, as images of public defecation continue to surface.
Eldidi father and son charged with terrorism in Toronto, working with Islamic State

Two men, a father and son, have been charged for planning to massacre Torontonians with an axe and a machete.
Ahmed Fouad Mostafa Eldidi, 62, and Mostafa Eldidi, 26, face multiple charges.
Documents: Half a million foreigners illegally living in Canada

500,000 illegal immigrants live in Canada, and the Liberals’ solution to the problem?
“Regularize their status.”
Majority of Canadians want less immigration: poll

Most Canadians want to take in fewer immigrants moving forward, despite the Liberals’ plan to keep increasing the numbers.
US Senators raise alarm over potential Canadian terrorist threats

US Senators fear Canada could become a terrorist haven.
Canada on track to surpass international study permits in 2024 after promising massive reduction

After promising a 50% reduction in student visas issued, Canada is on pace to surpass last year’s total.