New York to create social media task force to report ‘hateful content’

New York Governor Kathy Hochul announced a new bill establishing a social media task force to monitor and report ‘hateful content’ to the state.
Ohio votes to put Canada on religious freedom watch list

Republican lawmakers voted on a resolution urging the US Commission on International Religious Freedom to put Canada on its religious freedom watch list for violating Canadians’ rights.
Freeland schemes behind closed doors at Bilderberg Meeting in Washington

Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland just finished up in Washington, DC, after secretly rubbing elbows behind closed doors with some of the world’s most powerful policymakers and billionaires at the 2022 Bilderberg Meeting.
Liberal MP wants to celebrate “the power of vulvas and vaginas.”

Speaking in parliament, Liberal MP Pam Damoff announced that she and other MPs, a senator, and Action Canada would be getting together to celebrate “the power of vulvas and vaginas.”
Global Aviation Union waves red flag on pilots’ vaccine injuries

The Global Aviation Advocacy Coalition (GAAC) has called for an end to vaccine mandates for pilots worldwide due to a disturbing number of them having vaccine injuries, of which some resulted in death.
Poilievre introduces bill to end vaccine mandate forever

Conservative leadership candidate Pierre Poilievre introduced a bill that would end the current federal vaccine mandate and prevent mandates from ever happening again.
Trudeau predicts new variants, says mandates must stay

While countries around the world continue to drop their COVID mandates, Trudeau says Canada’s are here to stay due to the risk from new variants that don’t even exist yet.
Canada birth rate hits an all-time low

The birth rate in Canada hit an all-time low in 2020, likely due to increased economic and restriction-related stresses during the peak of lockdowns.
Biden considers following Trudeau’s lead on gun grab

Following Trudeau’s shocking ban on all new handgun purchases in Canada, the Biden administration announced they were considering “other executive actions” regarding gun control.
Trudeau wants to use facial recognition digital ID for travel

The Trudeau government has been working with major Canadian airlines to formally bring in digital ID, facial recognition, and biometric travel documents to air travel by 2023.