Oil remains Alberta’s lifeblood, scoring province $11.6B surplus

Alberta announces a massive surplus thanks to big oil and low taxes.
BREAKING: Google bans news in Canada following Liberal Online News Bill blunder

Now that Trudeau has rammed through Online News Bill C-18, Google is forced to ban news in Canada.
Full nudity in front of kids is fine during Pride events, Toronto police say

Police give flashers a pass during Pride.
Rodriguez hints at more handouts for mainstream media after bungling Bill C-18

Pablo tried to fix a problem that didn’t exist. Now he needs to fix one that he created.
All 46 forest fires on Vancouver Island this year were caused by humans

Blame climate change?
Poilievre to Trudeau: “Butt out” of New Brunswick pronoun debate

Poilievre tries his best to avoid the pronoun debate by telling the PM to stay out of it.
Trudeau called out for hiding interference-related documents

You know it’s bad when even the agencies sworn to secrecy say Trudeau’s not cooperating.
Trudeau lies in Iceland about Chinese interference

The PM tells a foreign reporter that Canada’s political parties are having “productive talks” on a public inquiry, despite vetoing a majority vote to hold one.
Trudeau’s office surrounded by Muslim “leave our kids alone” protest

Three weeks in a row and getting stronger. This isn’t going away until gender ideology dies.
Pablo says Bill C-18 needed to combat Facebook’s response to Bill C-18

The Minister of Canadian Heritage tweeted the best circular argument of 2023.