Saskatchewan’s HealthLine offers assisted suicide

Saskatchewan’s 811 HealthLine offers doctor assisted suicide — including to some callers which are dialling in for mental health concerns.
Queen’s representative threatens Albertan democracy

The Queen’s representative in Alberta, Lieutenant-Governor Salma Lakhani, is threatening Alberta’s democracy.
Man released following Trudeau’s soft on gun crime policies kills woman

A man released following Justin Trudeau’s soft on gun crime policies has killed a woman and put her husband in the hospital.
Liberals want to resurrect COVID Alert from its grave

The lockdown-loving Liberal government isn’t done with using the pandemic as an excuse to spy on Canadians through the COVID Alert app yet.
Belgian farmers break into Hoogstraten city hall over nitrogen policy

Much like the Netherlands and Canada, Belgium is targeting farmers over their supposed nitrogen footprint, and Belgian farmers are not taking it lying down.
Environment Canada confirms The Counter Signal documents are ‘authentic’

Environment and Climate Change Canada has confirmed documents published by The Counter Signal revealing a new Winnipeg facility hosting a firearms armoury are “authentic.”
BREAKING: Liberals cancel Calgary fundraiser after local outrage

The Liberals have cancelled a Calgary meet-and-greet at Mikey’s on 12th due to outrage over Chrystia Freeland’s appearance in the city.
#BoycottStarbucks trends after Starbucks announces it’s going cashless

A Starbucks store with a sign declaring that it will be going cashless has sparked widespread outrage and more than a little speculation, with many believing that this will apply to every store in the UK.
Activity book tells kids to ‘explore’ feelings on assisted dying

The Canadian Virtual Hospice has created an “activity book” to help children “explore their feelings” about doctor-assisted dying “by someone in your life.”
Trudeau splurges $100 million on radical gender ideologues

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau continues to lavish gender radicals who vote for him with the hard-earned money of Canadians at every opportunity.