In an email statement to The Counter Signal, RCMP Commissioner Brenda Lucki said she regretted her conduct in meetings following the Nova Scotia mass shooting but denied she interfered with the investigation.

As per the email statement, Lucki wrote the following:
“I want to acknowledge and address information included in the foundational document issued by the Mass Casualty Commission (MCC). As a police officer, and the RCMP Commissioner, I would never take actions or decisions that could jeopardize an investigation. I did not interfere in the ongoing investigations into the largest mass shooting in Canadian history.”
“It is important to note that the sharing of information and briefings with the Minister of Public Safety are necessary, particularly during a mass shooting on Canadian soil. This is standard procedure, and does not impact the integrity of ongoing investigations or interfere with the independence of the RCMP. I take the principle of police independence extremely seriously, and it has been and will continue to be fully respected in all interactions.”
Lucki’s statement comes following the release of the Mass Casualty Commission documents and a report from Jennifer Henderson on the April 18-19 mass shooting that claimed the lives of 22 Canadians.
In the report, it is alleged that RCMP Commissioner Brenda Lucki pressured her subordinates into jeopardizing the Nova Scotia massacre investigation to support Justin Trudeau’s incoming gun grab.
Indeed, an RCMP officer’s notes allege that RCMP Commissioner Brenda Lucki “promised” the Prime Minister’s Office and Public Safety Minister that the weapons used in the 2020 Nova Scotia mass shooting would be released early, despite the risks that posed to the integrity of the murder investigations, and that it would be used to support future gun control legislation.
As per RCMP Support Services Officer Darren Campbell’s notes:
“The Commissioner said she had promised the Minister of Public Safety and the Prime Minister’s Office that the RCMP (we) would release this information. I tried to explain… we could not release this information at this time. The Commissioner then said that we didn’t understand, that this was tied to pending gun control legislation that would make officers and the public safer.” [Emphasis added]
Lucki has not commented on the letter’s validity or invalidity or whether the Public Safety Minister or Prime Minister’s Office did, in fact, state that the aftermath of the shooting and the weapons used would be used to push future gun legislation.
“Several days after the mass shooting, I met with Nova Scotia RCMP colleagues to discuss a number of things. This included the flow of information to RCMP National Headquarters on the investigation and the public release of information,” Lucki continues.
“It was a tense discussion, and I regret the way I approached the meeting and the impact it had on those in attendance. My need for information should have been better weighed against the seriousness of the circumstances they were experiencing. I should have been more sensitive in my approach. Had I led the meeting differently, these employees would have felt more supported during what I know was an extremely difficult time.”
Lucki concludes her statement by saying that she will be providing testimony in the coming weeks.