The Conservative Party of Canada (CPC) has managed to secure more donations in Quebec, of all places, than either the Liberal Party or the Bloq Québécois in Q3 this year.

Polling Canada reported that between July-September, the CPC raised $261,000, compared to the Bloq Québécois getting $248,00 and the Trudeau Liberal Party taking in $184,000.
Just putting together the spreadsheet for the Q3 fundraising by province (Geographic data only available for individuals who contributed a total of $200+ during the quarter)
— Polling Canada (@CanadianPolling) October 31, 2023
The Conservatives are now ahead in Quebec fundraising wise, beating the Bloc and Liberals
CPC – 261K
“Tories only got 87.6K during the last quarter in Quebec and were well behind the Liberals and Bloc ($251k and $239k, respectively),” Polling Canada stated on X.
Federally speaking, the CPC raised more than double what the Liberal Party raised during Q3, and more than what all other parties (including the Liberals) brought in.
Third Quarter Federal Fundraising:
— Polling Canada (@CanadianPolling) October 31, 2023
CPC: 7.06M
LPC: 3.09M
NDP: 1.57M
GPC: 343.8K
PPC: 272.7K
BQ: 248.3K
Trudeau freefall
An October 29 update from 338Canada showed that, if an election were held today, the Trudeau Liberals would win between 58 — 113 seats. At best for the Liberal Party, those numbers would mean they would lose to a minority Conservative government.
The CPC, on the other hand, are projected to win between 170 — 226 seats. 170 seats are needed to form a majority government.
The next federal election isn’t required to take place until October 2025, although the Trudeau Government can call one at any time before then.
Earlier this week, Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre said Trudeau’s latest backtrack — this time on the carbon tax (for some Canadians) — shows he’s “in total panic mode.”