Elections Alberta has cited overwork for falling behind on filing publicly accessible expense reports as is required from government officials.

Elections Alberta CEO Glen Resler is a senior official paid directly by the Government of Alberta, thus required to regularly post expenses to enhance public confidence by improving accountability and transparency.
However, Elections Alberta hasn’t posted an expense report in 13 months — not since the third quarter of 2022.
The Public Disclosure of Travel and Expense Policy requires reports on a bi-monthly basis, and quarterly submissions posted in the Alberta Gazette should they exceed $600.
Elections Alberta told The Counter Signal “The delay is due to the volume of work involved in preparing for and conducting a provincial general election, including the post-election processing of all payments to election officers, voting places, returning offices, and vendors.”
A member from the Alberta Gazette told The Counter Signal they couldn’t locate the last time Elections Alberta advertised their expenses.
Resler earned over $262,000 in 2022, and just under $300,000 in 2021.
The Alberta provincial election took place on May 30, which resulted in Premier Smith’s United Conservative Party winning a majority government.