As of July 4, 50.53% of the people currently hospitalized with COVID in Alberta have received three doses of the COVID vaccine.

According to Alberta’s most up-to-date vaccine outcomes COVID statistics, there are 568 people currently hospitalized with COVID-19: 287 (50.53%) have received a booster, 154 (27.11%) have received two doses; 18 (3.17%) have received one dose, and 109 (19.19) have received no doses and remain unvaccinated.
The vast majority of those hospitalized over the last 120 days are above the age of 60, and the per capita hospitalization rate remains significantly higher for the 60+ unvaccinated category.
Based on the data provided, the 60-69-year-old category has a 150.15 hospitalization rate per 100,000 if boosted compared to a 304.07 per capita rate if fully vaccinated and a 1306.5 per capita hospitalization rate if unvaccinated (does not specify if this table includes those with one dose).
The apparent vaccine efficacy wanes significantly in the 80+ category, with the boosted having a 1472.89 per capita hospitalization rate, the fully vaccinated having a 1981.16 per capita hospitalization rate, and the unvaccinated having a 4343.3 per capita hospitalization rate (does not specify if this table includes those with one dose).
In the younger categories, the number of hospitalizations is negligible compared to the elderly, regardless of vaccination status — though here, too, the unvaccinated have a slightly higher per capita hospitalization rate than other categories in this data set.
Like hospitalizations, those who are above the age of 60 years old up make up the vast majority of ICU cases. As a higher proportion of those above the age of 60 has received a booster, this would explain the disproportional number of boosted individuals hospitalized or sent to the ICU with COVID.
According to Alberta’s vaccination status data, 66.1% of those aged 60-64, 77.2% of those aged 65-69, 82.4% of those aged 70-74, 87.1% of those aged 75-79, 84.5% of those aged 80-84, 83.1% of those aged 85-89, and 86.2% of those aged 90 and up have received a booster.
Additionally, those who have been in the ICU with COVID in the last 120 days usually have a pre-existing condition — which is why throughout this article, hospitalizations have been referred to as being hospitalized “with COVID” rather than “for COVID.” Few are hospitalized “for COVID.”
According to the data, over the last 120 days, 92.3% of those who received a booster and were sent to the ICU with COVID had a pre-existing condition. For the fully vaccinated category, 81.2% of those sent to the ICU with COVID had a pre-existing condition. For the unvaccinated, 65% of those sent to the ICU with COVID had a pre-existing condition (does not include those with one dose).
Over the last 120 days, 398 people have died in the province with COVID that were boosted compared to 122 who were fully vaccinated and 117 who were unvaccinated (does not specify if this table includes those with one dose).
Again, the number of elderly who received a booster should be considered.
For those between the age of 5-59, nine people who were boosted died with COVID, 14 fully vaccinated died with COVID, and 19 unvaccinated died with COVID in the last 120 days. For those 60 and up, 389 died with COVID who were boosted, 108 died with COVID who were fully vaccinated, and 98 died with COVID who were unvaccinated (does not specify if this table includes those with one dose).
None under the age of five died with or from COVID in the last 120 days in Alberta.