As the longest convoy in human history approaches his front door, PM Justin Trudeau has taken it upon himself to go into hiding for precisely five days over COVID despite testing negative for COVID.
“Last night, I learned that I have been exposed to COVID-19,” Trudeau wrote in a Tweet. “My rapid test result was negative. I am following Ottawa Public Health rules and isolating for five days. I feel fine and will be working from home. Stay safe, everyone – and please get vaccinated.”
Last night, I learned that I have been exposed to COVID-19. My rapid test result was negative. I am following @OttawaHealth rules and isolating for five days. I feel fine and will be working from home. Stay safe, everyone – and please get vaccinated.
— Justin Trudeau (@JustinTrudeau) January 27, 2022
As the trucker convoy is officially set to arrive in Ottawa on Saturday, January 29, five days beginning on the 27th guarantees that Trudeau won’t have to face the tens of thousands of truckers and hundreds of thousands of everyday Canadians who have been tyrannized with lockdowns and vaccine mandates — even if they hold out for three days.
Crowd cheering on the freedom trucker convoy in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada as it makes it’s way to Ottawa to protest mandates and restrictions in the country. pic.twitter.com/jHvoOluY17
— Marie Oakes (@TheMarieOakes) January 25, 2022
Part of the massive western trucker convoy headed to Ottawa has landed in Thunder Bay, Ontario where some truckers will be spending the night before getting back on the road tomorrow.
The eastern convoy begins over the next few days.@BezirganMochapic.twitter.com/Lulmw2St6G
— Marie Oakes (@TheMarieOakes) January 27, 2022
This is, perhaps, the greatest act of cowardice from a sitting Canadian PM in this nation’s history. When Canadians finally take a stand, finally take real action, Trudeau merely waves it away, practically flipping them the bird through a single Tweet, ending it with “please get vaccinated” to rub salt in wounds he’s opened.
I'll take "things that definitely didn't really happen" for $1000, Alex. https://t.co/hJZyrIPwpl
— Unacceptable Bexte (@TheRealKeean) January 27, 2022
Trudeau’s decision to go into hiding comes only one day after he denounced the entire convoy, labelling it unacceptable and everyone participating as a “small, fringe minority.” He then went on to say that only through compliance with government mandates will Canadians ever see the return of their freedoms — truly, a dictatorial statement.
“The small, fringe minority of people are on their way to Ottawa, who are holding unacceptable views that they’re expressing, do not represent the views of Canadians who have been there for each other, who know that following the science, and stepping up to protect each other is the best way to continue to ensure our freedoms, our rights, our values, as a country,” Trudeau stated, visibly shaken by the sheer number of freedom-loving Canadians coming to Ottawa to demand he stops the insanity.
Speaking from Ottawa this afternoon, the PM describes #freedomconvoy2022 participants as a ‘small fringe minority’ expressing ‘unacceptable views’ that don’t represent the views of most Canadians pic.twitter.com/TtYcFE3Izr
— 𝘽𝙧𝙮𝙖𝙣 𝙋𝙖𝙨𝙨𝙞𝙛𝙞𝙪𝙢𝙚 (@BryanPassifiume) January 26, 2022
Now we know Trudeau’s strategy in dealing with this “small, fringe minority”: duck and cover; and never give real Canadians the time of day. Pathetic.