The CBC is receiving international scrutiny after a leaked memo showed the state broadcaster simping for Hamas.

Instead of referring to Hamas as the terrorist organization that it is, a leaked email reveals that CBC journalists were specifically told to call the terrorists “Hamas militants.”
The CBC continues to refer to Hamas terrorists as 'militants'.
— David Jacobs (@DrJacobsRad) October 10, 2023
If a group that guns down teenagers at a rave, decapitates babies, kidnaps the elderly, rapes young girls, and slaughters families is not deemed worthy of the label of terrorist, then who is?@CBC @PresidentCBCRC
“Do not refer to militants, soldiers or anyone else as ‘terrorists.’ The notion of terrorism remains heavily politicized and is part of the story,” CBC’s director of journalistic standards, George Achi, told employees on Saturday.
Hamas is a designated terrorist organization in Canada.
“Hamas … is a radical Islamist-nationalist terrorist organization that emerged from the Palestinian branch of the Muslim Brotherhood in 1987. It uses political and violent means to pursue its goal of establishing an Islamic Palestinian state in Israel. Since 1990, Hamas has been responsible for terrorist attacks against both civilian and military targets,” Canada’s public safety department states.
The CBC’s directive came after several shocking videos posted on X depicted Hamas soldiers brutalizing Israeli civilians.
Imagine the worst things possible that can be done to humans.
— Trey Yingst (@TreyYingst) October 10, 2023
Hamas did all of that and more to Israeli civilians. Babies beheaded. People burned alive in their homes. Women raped and dragged through the streets.
Don’t look away.
Since the memo, the CBC has published a number of articles that have complied with the orders by not referring to Hamas as a terrorist organization.
CBC gets blasted on social media
“Hamas is a blood thirsty terrorist group. The CBC doesn’t have the journalistic integrity to call it as it is. This isn’t an opinion or a political argument it is the facts. That’s why common sense people in Canada have given up on CBC years ago,” said Canadian Senator Leo Housakos.
“The CBC continues to refer to Hamas terrorists as ‘militants’. If a group that guns down teenagers at a rave, decapitates babies, kidnaps the elderly, rapes young girls, and slaughters families is not deemed worthy of the label of terrorist, then who is?” asked Dr. David Jacobs of Toronto.
A recent poll indicates that 4 in 10 Canadians believe the CBC is state propaganda.
UPDATE: October 16
The CBC responded to criticism on Monday by claiming the leaked email was taken out of context.