A massive report was given to the Trudeau Liberals earlier this week by an “equity task force” that seeks to make legislative changes to hiring practices that would effectively ban merit-based hiring for good and turn Canada into a neo-Marxist hellhole.

Labour Minister Seamus O’Regan carried a 500 page report given to him, which includes 187 policy recommendations, all of which strive to achieve “equity” in hiring practices.
“It is an excellent read,” he said while standing next to the lead author of the report, a McGill University law professor and critical race scholar, Adelle Blacket.
O’Regan said the corresponding employment equity legislation changes will come “hopefully soon.”
“Right now what we are committing to is the designated groups,” he added, referencing the fact that “We are naming black people and 2SLGBTQI+ individuals as designated groups under the Employment Equity Act and this is historical.”
The massive report insists that the recommendations do not entail “quotas” for hiring, meaning employers won’t have to ensure they have a certain number of ethnic and sexual minorities.
However, among the report’s countless recommendations, one reads that employers should be allowed to “correct” underrepresented groups among their staff.
“Diversity is a fact. Inclusion is a choice. Equity is the law,” O’Regan said, citing Blacket’s own words.
Employers should be allowed to discriminate on sexual orientation or ethnicity if doing so "corrects" underrepresented equity groups. pic.twitter.com/BR0ceiz4bT
— Mike Campbell (@Skeptical_Mike) December 12, 2023
Knowing that the outcome of this mandate would likely lead – indeed, has already led – to disingenuous identity claims, the task force put out an “urgent” call for some sort of verification process to combat the highly subjective “self-identify” option that employers currently give.
However, no such verification process could be applied for those who claim they are bisexual to get a leg up on the competition, despite the fact that doing so will now be prudent for anyone seeking a job.
Primarily an attack on merit-based hiring
The report further states that appointments based on merit should be “assessed by committees composed in consultation with the relevant Joint Employment Equity Committee.”
In other words, committees that are designed to favour non-white and non-straight individuals should be involved in an employer’s hiring process.
They want to abolish "merit" based hiring. pic.twitter.com/l8sVLEeDRm
— Mike Campbell (@Skeptical_Mike) December 12, 2023
It even states that the term “right fit” should be abandoned by employers.
Another recommendation is for employers to have to survey job-seekers about their sexual preferences during the hiring process — and for those hired, to ask about their sexual preferences every single year, as well as when they quit or get fired.
One recommendation is for employers to ask workers how they "self-identify" including sexual preferences and gender identity.
— Mike Campbell (@Skeptical_Mike) December 12, 2023
Not just once, but every year! pic.twitter.com/dmAybSSedm
Yet another recommendation states that employers should be required to regularly report to a newly established Equity Commissioner — one who shall have legislative powers — on just how they are working to reduce barriers to employment for LGBT and black job seekers.