Former Liberal cabinet minister Catherine McKenna suggested that sports teams should broadcast climate change propaganda to their fans.

“I often think that the biggest challenge to climate action (beyond entrenched interests & lobbyists) is that we don’t talk to real people about real things in a way that matters to them…” she tweeted.
“Honestly, if every major sports team talked to their fans about climate change, imagine how we could capture the imagination of people to support climate action and actually tackle the damn thing. Just do it!”
Yes, professional athletes are certainly in an excellent position to preach about carbon consumption.
— Chris Selley (@cselley) August 10, 2022
As McKenna often does, she blocked users from commenting on her tweets. Much like the loudspeakers in sports arenas, McKenna apparently wants the same type of one-way dialogue.
Of course, McKenna is only advocating this be done for left-wing policies. It’s unfathomable she’d ever be okay with a Conservative talking about gun rights at a Calgary Flames game.
Sports serve as a reprieve for people from their day-to-day lives, a space that’s supposed to be free from government preaching politics — from either side.
It’s clear this is how the fans like it. For example, when the NBA went woke in 2020, they immediately saw their ratings fall harder than a diving soccer player. They’ve since backtracked and recognized that fans just want to watch sports — no politics. BLM messaging was subsequently stripped from basketball courts and players’ uniforms.
But McKenna, who served as Canada’s Minister of Environment and Climate Change from 2015 to 2019, appears to see things differently.
Indeed, she also recently advocated for the government to intervene on social media and regulate right-wing users. This came after a report suggested that algorithms amplify right-wing voices over their counterparts
BONKERS: The most powerful discrepancy between amplification of right & left on Twitter was in Canada (Liberals 43%; Conservatives 167%)!
— Catherine McKenna (@cathmckenna) July 21, 2022
Hey @TwitterCanada what say you? And do tell: Which Conservative politicians are you amplifying & which outlets?
Hey MPs: Regulate them.
More to her history of wanting to censor and brainwash the masses, in an infamous video that captured McKenna speaking in a bar, she said that repeated messaging — especially loud messaging — will cause people to “totally believe it.”
And what better platform exists than a ballpark or hockey arena with loudspeakers where everyday Joes can be led to “totally believe” the Liberal’s climate change agenda?