An NDP MP questioned if we should terminate Canada’s national sport of ice hockey — as in eliminating all ice rinks — to save the climate.

After retweeting an article about an electric Zamboni, NDP MP Bonita Zarrillo tweeted, “Is indoor skating ice even necessary anymore? Can every ice sport be done without ice and different equipment?… just pondering the climate impact of human-made indoor ice.”
To be fair to Zarrillo, she quickly deleted her tweet after getting ratio’d, but the internet never forgets:

Moreover, it highlights the lengths some politicians will go to pursue “climate justice” and what’s on the table.
I think it’s safe to assume that NHL commissioner Gary Bettman, along with most patriotic Canadians, wouldn’t be for Zarillo’s suggestion to cancel Canada’s number one sport and national pastime. It would be like America saying goodbye to baseball.
In other sports-related news with out-of-touch politicians, former Liberal cabinet minister Catherine McKenna recently suggested that sports teams should broadcast climate change propaganda to their fans. Because there’s nothing like a quick PSA on your carbon footprint in between whistles to get you amped up for the game.