The Great Reset is in full gear in the Netherlands as the country’s government moves to shut down thousands of farms.

To comply with the European Union’s radical climate laws, the Dutch government of World Economic Forum acolyte Mark Rutte will force up to 3,000 farms to shut down for good.
Farmers will be made an offer on their farms, which the government claims is “well over” market value.
According to nitrogen minister Christianne van der Wal, the government purchase will be compulsory.
“There is no better offer coming,” claimed van der Wal.
Recent EU nature preservation rules require member states to reduce emissions across sectors of the economy.
As one of Europe’s most prominent farming nations, half of the Netherlands’ emissions come from agricultural activity.
Rutte has warned that those who refuse to comply could face government force.
When the Dutch government announced a nitrogen fertilizer reduction mandate, the country saw nationwide protests from farmers.
Former agricultural minister resigned from his position as a result of the movement.
The Dutch farmer protests received international attention, with protests popping up in Canada in support of the uprising.
Rutte’s government policies have many observers concerned about the direction he is taking the country.
Earlier this month, the country’s finance minister Sigrid Kaag proposed a law to allow banks to spy on transactions of citizens which totaled more than €100.
Privacy watchdog Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens called the bill an unprecedented “surveillance of the Dutch” people.