After days of the mainstream media diverting from the true cause of the devastating fire in Lytton, B.C., authorities are now saying what we suspected all along: that the fire that killed two was lit by a human.
The wildfire levelled much of the small village, including the entire local church. The full carnage has not been fully assessed.
Instead of doing their jobs as journalists and investigating the disaster, outlets like Global News were writing speculative articles on whether sparks from a train caused the blaze.
This is just another instance of the Canadian media trying to frame a tragedy to fit their own political narratives before there are any facts.
Now that the facts are in, it’s becoming obvious that this wasn’t just some accidental inferno.
“It’s suspected human. The specific cause, that’s still under investigation, but there’s a fair certainty that it was started within the community, which then spread to the bush,” said B.C. Wildfire Service spokeswoman Erika Berg.
The fire in Lytton began only a day after temperatures in the region hit record-breaking levels. Although most residents were able to evacuate, B.C. authorities are still working on tracking down a number of people who are unaccounted for.
“Our investigation is ongoing at this time, but preliminary findings at the scene suggest the decedents match two deaths reported by their family member,” said an RCMP spokesperson.
“We have not received any additional reports of death related to the Lytton fire. Our special investigations team is no longer at the scene.”
Reports of people deliberately starting wildfires is not news considering that in 2020 two dozen people were arrested in Australia for intentionally setting fires across the country. Antifa linked arsonists have been identified throughout western nations for burning land to push climate change fear.
If confirmed to be a terrorist attack against the local church, it would be the 14th church targeted by arsonists, and the first deadly attack.
Trudeau has not commented on church terrorism outside of suggesting that burning churches is not a positive response to residential school legacies.
If investigators discover who was behind the Lytton fires, they should be punished with the full force of the law, but this is Canada – so they shouldn’t face much trouble.
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