Over 2,000,000 adverse drug reactions to COVID-19 vaccines have been logged in the World Health Organization’s (WHO’s) global database, also known as VigiBase.
What the hell is going on here? Check out this video and share everywhere. Do a search on your own and read more. VigiAccess was launched by The World Health Organization in 2015 to report side effects and adverse drug reactions. https://t.co/RsfKKVD2cS – Search Covid-19 vaccine. pic.twitter.com/TBygMAP63c
— Ray (@northstaray) October 5, 2021
According to the database, 2,201,851 adverse reactions have been logged at the time of writing, with almost all reactions occurring in 2021 — since the vaccine became widely available and pushed.
Go to VigiAccess (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting for the WHO)
It shows: 2201851 adverse reactions received!!! https://t.co/z9J28XU8Bt pic.twitter.com/AJhyqkKN3q— Jill (@JillColtonFree) October 6, 2021
In 2021, 2,199,476 adverse events occurred, all of which are linked to COVID-19 vaccines. In 2020, when COVID vaccines were only just made available, the WHO logged 2,259 adverse reactions. And in 2019, the WHO only logged 83 adverse reactions.
Just take the shot!
It's SAFE. We promise. You're an experiment and we didn't do human trials, but we swear, you won't get hurt. But just in case something happens to you, the vaccine manufacturer isn't liable.
Sincerely, Globalist Government pic.twitter.com/e6YPEospRa— Jill (@JillColtonFree) October 6, 2021
According to the WHO’s database, documented adverse reactions to the COVID-19 vaccine include blood and lymphatic system disorders, cardiac disorders, congenital, familial, and genetic disorders, endocrine (hormonal) disorders, nervous system disorders, reproductive system and breast disorders, and pregnancy, puerperium and perinatal conditions.
And these are only some of the many kinds of adverse reactions documented and linked to the COVID vaccine.
By far, the most affected group are those in the 18 – 44 years old range (39 per cent of all adverse reactions) — likely as they are the youngest group that has taken the vaccine on mass.
Moreover, the WHO documented 301 adverse reactions in babies under one month old, suggesting babies have either been affected by contact with vaccinated individuals or by testing the vaccine on them.
Of those affected, women have reported more adverse reactions, with 69 per cent of all the documented adverse reactions occurring in women.
Disturbingly, despite this information being easily accessible to the public, no major news outlet has reported on the WHO’s findings.