Liberal MP Randy Boissonnault’s former business partner, Stephen Anderson, told an ethics committee on Wednesday that when he texted “Randy” eight times, he wasn’t referring to Randy Boissonnault—or any Randy—claiming that every usage of the word was an autocorrect.

The probe comes after the Opposition Conservatives uncovered September 2022 texts between Anderson and businesswoman Malvina Ghaoui, who’s since sued Global Health Imports (GHI), the company co-founded by Boissonnault and Anderson.
Opposition MPs are looking into whether Boissonnault violated the regulations that forbid cabinet ministers from managing or running a business by carrying on with GHI business dealings after taking office in September 2021.
— Michael Barrett (@MikeBarrettON) July 17, 2024
Randy Boissonnault’s business partner confirms there’s only one person named Randy involved with the company Global Health Imports
There is no “Other Randy”. There’s just Randy Boissonnault
Boissonnault was advancing his private business from Trudeau’s Cabinet
Boissonnault’s GHI was involved in the procurement and distribution of personal protective equipment (PPE), which saw a surge in demand due to the so-called COVID pandemic.
In one of the nine text messages, Anderson referenced “Randy” being in Vancouver at the same time Boissonnault was attending a cabinet retreat in the city.
When questioned at the committee hearing, Anderson insisted he was not referring to Boissonnault, claiming instead that the references were all autocorrect errors. Anderson declined to publicly reveal the identity of the “Randy” mentioned in the texts.
They expect us to believe that his iPhone autocorrected to ‘Randy’ eight times without ever correcting himself in text messages.
— Dane Lloyd (@DaneLloydMP) July 17, 2024
He admitted he lied to the media. How can we trust a word he’s saying?
This is literally unbelievable.
This is a scandal and a coverup.
“Every one of those nine (instances) is an autocorrect?” asked Conservative ethics critic Michael Barrett. “Yes,” replied Anderson.
Anderson caught lying
Anderson previously lied to Global News, claiming that there was another individual named Randy who managed logistics at GHI.
“I admit that I panicked,” Anderson confessed to the NDP ethics critic, Matthew Green.
Both Anderson and Boissonnault have maintained that their business relationship ended in September 2021 when Boissonnault won his Edmonton seat.
Boissonnault denies having been involved in GHI business dealings since he won his seat.
In a statement, a Ghaoui Group representative said that they understood Anderson to be referring to Boissonnault, whom Anderson had informed her was a public figure and a partner in GHI.