Fuel stations across Slovenia are adopting one of the most authoritarian policies to date, requiring consumers to provide proof-of-vaccination, a negative COVID test, or proof of recovery from COVID to fill up their cars.
Want to refuel? Papers, please!
The Slovenian government passed several new restrictions on Saturday to pressure the unvaccinated to get the jab, assuring their citizens that they will take things even further if people do not comply and the vaccination rate does not rise.
Besides having restrictions for simply accessing gas pumps, the government implemented a vaccine passport system, requiring Slovenians to show proof-of-vaccination and photo ID to enter most public facilities.
They are also doing away with cloth masks and requiring people to wear even less comfortable surgical and or FFP2 masks while indoors, as well as enforcing additional social distancing measures.
Moreover, starting November 15, all students will undergo mandatory testing three times a week, and the government is encouraging employers to ask employees to work from home.
So far, only 53.3 per cent of Slovenia’s population have received experimental mRNA technology known to cause myocarditis (potentially deadly heart inflammation).