Oncology Professor Gus Dalgleish has sounded alarm bells on the safety of the Covid vaccines, suggesting they’re leading to cancer relapses among his patients.

“I’m Angus Dalgleish. I’m a professor of oncology at St. Georges and a consult medical oncologist,” he said. St. Georges University is in London.
How long will the vaxx pushers deny that this is happening? https://t.co/MwyFyRWULK
— Maxime Bernier (@MaximeBernier) January 5, 2023
Dalgleish said several melanoma patients he’s treated for the past five to 20 years regressed within two to three months after receiving a Covid booster. He said the patients were stable before inoculation.
“I’ve noticed that I have now over six, possibly seven, and even eight, yesterday, who’ve clearly relapsed following the booster vaccine.”
Dalgleish also said many of his friends and family told him how terrible they felt for long periods after their third Covid shot.
“At first, we didn’t put the two and two together,” he said.
“I think this does not look like a coincidence to me, and we need to join forces and see if this is a real effect, and if it is, we must stop all the boosters immediately.”
In December, Dalgleish wrote an article in The Daily Sceptic stating that several of his medical colleagues told him they’re seeing the same results in cancer patients.
Like many doctors, Dalgleish initially encouraged people to get vaccinated against Covid-19. But he’s since reversed his stance — much like other notable doctors, including cardiologist Assem Malholtra.
— Dr Aseem Malhotra (@DrAseemMalhotra) December 15, 2022
Top doctor, orthopaedic surgeon @MrAhmadKMalik supports conservative MP @ABridgen calls for complete suspension of the covid mRNA vaccines given serious adverse events and allegations of a cover up of harms.
‘We need to investigate what is going on’ #NHS #BadPharma pic.twitter.com/ApfkZoPPIk
A recent study indicates that covid vaccines, specifically a third shot, lead to skyrocketing IgG4 antibody levels, which can lead to a misguided immune system – one that ignores or fights poorly against genuine threats.
In Canada, fifty Canadians injured by the Covid-19 vaccine were awarded a combined $2.7 million after filing a claim with the federal government’s injury reporting system. Of the 221 claims completed, just 50 individuals were awarded compensation for vaccine injuries during the 19-month review period.