Dr. Jordan Peterson announced on Joe Rogan’s podcast that he’s launching an alternative consortium to the globalist World Economic Forum (WEF).

Peterson’s appearance on Rogan’s podcast was released on Saturday.
Peterson said the international consortium will be based out of London and the first meeting will take place in the fall. He didn’t reveal the name of the group, or anyone who’ll be involved.
“We’re trying to put together something like an alternative vision of the future – say an alternative to that kind of apocalyptic narrative that’s being put forward, at least implicitly, by organizations like the WEF,” Peterson said.
With @joerogan on JRE (Spotify): the WEF: an alternative vision, my sentencing by the ON College of Psychologists, the religious substrate of radical environmentalism https://t.co/n3Hd6rvAYI
— Dr Jordan B Peterson (@jordanbpeterson) January 28, 2023
Peterson further said that the consortium would be based on questions rather than answers.
One question is about getting energy and resources to the most people for the cheapest costs.
“You don’t get to save the planet by making energy prices so expensive that no one poor can afford them. That’s off the table,” he said.
Peterson added that alternative energy sources are encouraged but not at the expense of the poor.
“You don’t get to impose your utopian vision in the service of your narcissism on the poor.”
Another question is about figuring out how to prioritize human well-being “in harmony with nature.”
“But human-focused and not predicated on the idea that there are too many goddamn mouths to feed and that you’re evil if you just think about having children.”
He said the third question is about “how do we arrange systems of governance” without a top-down approach like that of the WEF.
Peterson said the fourth question is how to promote long-term monogamous child-centred families.
Yet another question focuses on stories.
“The question that you put forward in your life is what spirit should guide you as you move ahead.”
“Some spirit is going to guide you – that’s life. The question is, what is the highest spirit that could guide you?”
On Monday, Peterson will speak in Ottawa as part of his Beyond Order: 12 More Rules for Life tour. A bunch of Trudeau-funded groups tried to cancel his appearance, but the hosts didn’t cave to the outrage mob.
Thanks to all 36 groups protesting my forthcoming Jan 30 Ottawa lecture (many funded by @JustinTrudeau's Liberals) we've been forced to expand seating to accommodate all the extra purchasers of tickets https://t.co/jbyVXmE1LF
— Dr Jordan B Peterson (@jordanbpeterson) January 23, 2023