Pierre Poilievre has increased his lead over Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in the polls despite legacy media journalists branding the last several days as a “bad week” for the Conservative leader.

In a November 24 Nanos poll answered by 1000 Canadians nationwide, 43% of respondents indicated they plan to vote for the Conservative Party of Canada (CPC) in the next federal election.
Just 22% of respondents said they would vote for the Trudeau Liberals.
Federal Polling:
— Polling Canada (@CanadianPolling) November 28, 2023
CPC: 41% (+7)
NDP: 22% (+4)
LPC: 22% (-11)
BQ: 6% (-2)
GPC: 6% (+4)
PPC: 2% (-3)
Nanos Research / November 24, 2023 / n=1000 / MOE 3.1% / Telephone
(% Change With 2021 Federal Election)
Check out federal details on @338Canada at: https://t.co/kg1xi0UQKn pic.twitter.com/ryB3omBe4x
Nanos projects the CPC would win 213 seats if an election were held today, with the Liberals projected to win only 52 seats.
Meanwhile, as of November 26, 338Canada projects the CPC would win 208 seats compared to the Liberals winning 73.
170 seats are required to form a majority government.
The next federal election isn’t scheduled until October 2025. The Trudeau government is allowed to call an election before then, but it’s safe to assume that won’t happen too soon.
Legacy media goes all out after getting a raise from Trudeau
On November 21, the Trudeau government announced they will be doling out up to 35% of mainstream media journalists’ salaries for the next four years, which can be up to $30,000 per employee.
The Liberal government’s 2024 fiscal update states that they will be increasing the labour tax credit for newsrooms they consider a “qualifying journalism organization.”
Immediately afterwards, headlines across several outlets went on attack mode against Pierre Poilievre.
Media: Pierre Poilievre is having a bad week.
— Jim Burnett 🇨🇦🇮🇱🇺🇦🇺🇸 🍎 (@jamesfburnett) November 28, 2023
Polls: https://t.co/7J7u9x5niG
This explains the additional media subsidies which now add up to almost 3 quarters of a billion taxpayer dollars & the slew of ‘Poilievre’s bad week’ headlines that immediately followed. https://t.co/Kw3SpnhR7s
— Lee Humphrey (@tleehumphrey) November 27, 2023
Reporters criticized Poilievre for voting against a new free trade deal agreement with Ukraine proposed by the Liberal Party, something the CPC claimed included carbon tax clauses that they couldn’t support.
Legacy media journalists also accused Poilievre of bullying after he mocked a reporter for referencing a Canadian Press article that underwent three corrections.
The reporter was accusing the leader of spreading a false media report regarding the Rainbow Bridge explosion, but Poilievre claimed he was merely relaying what the media was reporting in real-time.
CBC panelist Chantal Hébert labelled Poilievre an “intellectual bully” who picks on people “smaller than him,” such as journalists.