With the help of big pharma shills in health care, the mainstream media has been using a new mental illness to explain away vaccine injuries. They call it post-pandemic stress disorder (a supposed form of PTSD). There’s only one problem: it’s not real.
According to two government-paid physicians in the UK, post-pandemic stress disorder, not the vaccine, is to blame for up to 300,000 people suddenly coming down with heart-related illnesses, including coronary heart failure — as if people never got stressed out before the pandemic.
“PPSD is a very real problem on a massive scale. As well as the condition itself with all its immediate problems, one of the biggest collateral issues is the affect it can have on heart health,” former NHS therapist Mark Rayner told The Standard.
“It is widely recognized that reducing stress and mental health problems is crucial to the prevention and recovery of cardiovascular events such as heart attacks and strokes,” he continues.
“We are talking about as many as 300,000 new patients with heart issues.”
Tahir Hussain, a vascular surgeon, apparently agrees, despite post-pandemic stress disorder not being an officially recognized condition.
“Far younger patients are being admitted and requiring surgical and medical intervention than prior to the pandemic,” Hussain begins.
“I believe many of these cases are a direct result of the increased stress and anxiety levels caused from the effects of PPSD.”
Myocarditis, which Hussain says he has noted is killing people at home, is a well-known side effect of the vaccine. However, rather than addressing this probable cause, Hussein doesn’t even acknowledge the adoption of deadly mRNA vaccines and instead blames temporary self-isolation as somehow causing heart inflammation and even death.
“We also have evidence that some patients have died at home from conditions such as pulmonary embolism and myocardial infarction,” Hussein continues. “I believe this is related to many people self-isolating at home with no contact with the outside world and dying without getting the help they needed.”
Talk about not doing your due diligence.
Vogue magazine is also pushing post-pandemic stress disorder as the cause of hundreds of thousands of heart problems, despite acknowledging that “PPSD is not yet a recognized mental health condition, but some experts strongly believe it should be.”
This wording is significant, as it is almost exactly the same as that used by The Standard, suggesting some mainstream colluding.
The Guardian, The Sun, and GWN are also forecasting that PTSD linked to pandemic stresses are going to cause hundreds of thousands of excess cases of heart problems across the UK, citing the National Health Service (i.e. the government) and the same doctors who are blaming everything other than the vaccine.
Speaking with Vogue, Owen O’Kane, the psychotherapist (not a cardiologist or even scientist) who made up post-pandemic stress disorder out of thin air, said, “Over the past year, many people have been exposed to varying degrees of trauma. The main problem is, it’s been relentless, and this is why I believe post-pandemic stress disorder will explode. At present, this won’t be recognized as a significant problem because we are normalizing the circumstances. However, like all traumas, the impact will show when the pandemic is over.”
‘Varying degrees of trauma’… I wonder if the mainstream media will run a story about the trauma of being unjustly hauled off to an Australian quarantine camp or on the Austrians who will soon be jailed for not getting the vaccine. Probably not.