Ex-Alberta Premier Rachel Notley wants to change legislation so that abortions are treated like miscarriages and employers are forced to give women a vacation package to “bereave.”

Like PM Trudeau, the Alberta NDP are grasping at straws trying to exploit the Roe v. Wade issue in the US by proposing any legislation the party can think of related to abortion in Canada.
In their latest attempt, Janis Irwin has proposed that Bill 17 be amended and “miscarriage or stillbirth” be substituted with “pregnancy loss” so that employers are forced to give women a vacation package anytime they abort their children.
NDP Women’s Issues Critic @JanisIrwin has sent this amendment to UCP Labour Minister Kaycee Madu In hopes of formally recognizing abortion as pregnancy loss and ensuring impacted Albertans are entitled to bereavement leave. #ableg #yyc #yeg pic.twitter.com/KpCAEjrOIS
— Rachel Notley (@RachelNotley) May 5, 2022
This change would allow women who abort their children to have bereavement leave (i.e., time to grieve their loss).
“Bereavement leave for pregnancy loss is a positive step forward. However, the UCP’s bill currently only names stillbirth and miscarriage. Our amendment ensures all types of pregnancy loss, including abortion, are covered,” writes Irwin in a Facebook post.
Funnily enough, this reads as a tacit admission that a life has been terminated in the abortion process — you can’t exactly bereave the loss of a random, unconscious lump of cells. The fact that this was asked for would suggest premeditated murder.
Notley and Irwin also want to expand abortion access into rural areas, which Health Minister Jason Copping and Associate Minister for Status of Women Whitney Issik have seemingly agreed to.
“We’re going to continue to provide services for women for all matters of women’s health,” Issik said.
Kenney’s caucus also says they have no intention to change legislation in Canada, which provides all women with access to abortion at any time during pregnancy.
“The member is trying to create controversy where there is none in Alberta,” Kenney said.
So, we've got a Premier who won't even utter the words "abortion" or "reproductive rights" in the #ableg, a Minister for Status of Women who denies the reality when it comes to abortion access, and countless anti-choice UCP MLAs.
— Janis Irwin (@JanisIrwin) May 5, 2022
The next election can't come soon enough. pic.twitter.com/TG4tbrnHi9
Regardless, this isn’t good enough for the NDP, who want Kenney to come out in support of abortion publicly.