A text message uncovered in the federal Emergencies Act Inquisition suggests federal Emergency Preparedness Minister Bill Blair asked RCMP Commissioner Brenda Lucki to support the Liberals’ invocation of the EA.

“Has Minister Blair hit you up for a letter to support the EA (Emergencies Act)?” the RCMP commissioner wrote to her counterpart OPP Commissioner Thomas Carrique on Feb. 19.
“No, he has not. Should I expect to hear from him?” Carrique replied.
As first reported by The Epoch Times, the text was entered as evidence before the Public Order Emergency Commission on Thursday, the day of Carrique’s in-person testimony.
The revelation comes as Lucki’s integrity as RCMP commissioner has already come into question.
Earlier this month, the Mass Casualty Commission published phone recordings of Lucki expressing frustration that the Nova Scotia RCMP would not publicly discuss weapons used to kill 22 in the immediate aftermath of the massacre.
The recordings came amid allegations that Lucki pressured the RCMP to release the types of guns used in an April 2020 mass shooting in Nova Scotia to advance the Liberal’s gun control agenda.
In the phone calls, which occurred nine days after the horrific shooting, Lucki said she felt frustrated when she learned the speaking notes used for an RCMP news conference earlier that day did not include a reference to the weapons as semi-automatic and assault-style.
“I felt completely disrespected by the fact that I was told that (RCMP Supt. Darren Campbell) was going to talk about the guns in his speaking notes, and it wasn’t there,” Lucki said. “I don’t know what happened, but I think we have to do better.”
“I know people are working as hard as they can,” she continued. “But we have a responsibility.”