On Wednesday, the US broke the world record for most cases recorded in a single day, reporting an increase of 484,377 new cases, even though 61.9 per cent of Americans are fully vaccinated, and 73.2 per cent have had a single dose.
JUST IN – U.S. reports 484,377 new #COVID19 cases, setting a new world record for a single-day increase in one country.
— Disclose.tv (@disclosetv) December 30, 2021
As BNO News reports, “Health departments across the US reported 484,377 new cases on Wednesday, an increase of 99% from last week, according to data from the BNO News/NewsNodes tracker. This marks the biggest one-day increase for any country in the world.”
“…. The rolling 7-day average for daily cases is 302,132, up from 94,428 a month ago, and every single US state is now marked as having high levels of COVID-19 transmission, according to the CDC, which estimates that nearly 59% of daily cases are caused by the highly-contagious Omicron variant.”
So much for vaccines being the solution to the pandemic. It looks like we can’t jab our way out of it after all.
However, that isn’t the interesting part of the rise in cases: it’s the media and government’s response to the surge in cases.
Biden: “There is no federal solution. This gets solved at a state level.”
Yet the Biden Admin has moved to enforce federal vaccine mandates that impact tens of millions. So, is he admitting that forcing Americans to comply in order to keep their jobs isn’t a “solution” at all? pic.twitter.com/ih0l7bAnO2
— Rachel Blevins (@RachBlevins) December 29, 2021
While the Biden administration, along with governments around the world, proved they were more than willing to lockdown their citizens, force them to wear masks, and impose vaccine passports and mandates over a relatively minuscule number of cases, the government now appears to be pivoting from its previous strategy.
Indeed, out of nowhere, the American government now says that self-isolation can be halved to 5 days, with Anthony Fauci coming out to alert the ignorant masses of what their new beliefs will be.
“So you either shut down the society, which no one wants to do, or you try and get a situation where you can safely get people back, particularly to critical jobs, without having them be out for a full 10 days, so long as they are without symptoms,” Fauci said Wednesday.
The same day, CDC Director Rochelle Walensky said that the CDC no longer recommends 10-day isolation. In an interview with the Washington Post, she added that previous guidelines were based on “what we thought people would be able to tolerate.”
In other words, the previous guidelines were never about your health: they were based on what the government believed people were willing to comply with.
More compliance equals more restrictions. Less compliance equals fewer restrictions. Do you get it yet? It was never about health or science. It was always about compliance.
Even in Ontario, public health officials, practically overnight, are doing a total 180 on the stance they were taking just a week or two ago.
According to Ontario Chief Medical Officer Kieran Moore, Ontario must now “pivot” on their previous COVID-19 strategy in response to the Omicron variant, which he admits is significantly less dangerous than any prior strain.
To this end, the Ontario government announced that students could return to in-person learning by January 5, 2022.
Moreover, Moore says Ontario and other provinces will no longer conduct asymptomatic testing unless the person is at high risk from COVID-19.
“We cannot at present test everyone who wants one, I’m sorry we don’t have that capacity, we never actually did, nor does any country,” Moore said.
“We must preserve these resources for those who need them the most,” he continued.
However, despite the acknowledgment on behalf of governments worldwide of the non-threat posed by the Omicron variant, there appears to be no sign of reversing course on the vaccine passports introduced in 2021. So you still need to get your first two doses and booster… for reasons.