Dreeshen unveils revolutionary passenger rail plan

“Premier @ABDanielleSmith and I are leading Alberta into a future where our transportation network is modern, reliable, and works for all,” Dreeshen stated.
AHS accused of trying to vaccinate child in school against parent’s wishes

AHS tries to vaccinate child at school despite parental refusal
Smith says Trudeau trying to destroy Canada before losing election

“It’s like a bad renter that’s burning the furniture on the way out.”
Danielle Smith says Justin Trudeau is actively destroying Canada before he loses the next election.
LANDSLIDE: 91.5% Approval of Danielle Smith

Sources close to Premier Danielle Smith have told The Counter Signal that the UCP leader has received a whopping 91.5% approval rating at her leadership review. Beyond the leadership review, party members voted on a number of policy resolutions presented by party constituencies. The policies are non-binding, meaning the UCP will not have to act […]
Media class infuriated as Alberta moves forward with banning vote tabulators

Reporters distort poll while challenging UCP for attending to “conspiracy theorists.”
36% of Albertans support their ban of tabulators in elections, and 28% are unsure, according to Leger.
Smith gives feds four weeks before taking them to court

Premier Danielle Smith has issued an ultimatum to the federal government, giving them four weeks before she takes them to court.
Guilbeault says the weather can’t be controlled in Jasper fire defence

Pressed on the feds’ lack of preparation for the devastating Jasper wildfire, Environment Minister Steven Guilbeault says “You cannot change the weather.”
Pastor acquitted on all counts after protesting drag queen event for children

Pastor Derek Reimer has been acquitted after being charged for protesting a drag queen event.
Pastor Reimer was held in jail for 43 days.
BREAKING: Smith announces plan to amend Bill of Rights in push for medical freedom

Alberta Premier Danielle Smith announced that the UCP will be introducing legislation that would amend the Bill of Rights and protect Albertans from medical discrimination such as vaccine passports. Smith broke the news through social media, saying the legislative amendment is meant “to reinforce the rights for every Albertan to make their own choices regarding […]
Edmontonians rally against gender ideology present in elementary classrooms

Citizens protest against sexual orientation and gender ideology being pushed in Edmonton schools.