Researchers acknowledge excess deaths from COVID vaccine

Dutch researchers analyzing data from 47 Western countries have postulated that the most likely cause of 3 million excess deaths between 2020 and 2022 is the COVID vaccine.
CRA fires 232 employees for wrongfully claiming CERB

The number of CRA employees terminated for wrongfully claiming CERB at the height of the lockdowns has risen to 232.
Not just Kate: Study finds 8% rise in cancer deaths since vaccine rollout

Following the recently revealed cancer diagnosis of Kate Middleton (just 42), many have speculated that there seems to be an increasing number of young, otherwise healthy people being diagnosed with cancer and dying since the vaccine rollout. And studies say they’re not wrong.
Ontario nurses fired over vaccine mandate to be reinstated

Nurses gassed over vaccine mandate are reinstated after getting fired for “misconduct.”
Health Canada removes “up-to-date” COVID vaccine data as public confidence wanes

Shocker, Health Canada stopped showing more COVID data it doesn’t like.
National Citizens’ Inquiry calls for judicial investigation into Health Canada, potential criminal liability

NCI writes to Trudeau, notes how Health Canada appears to be broken.
Whistleblower alleges CIA interference in COVID-19 origins analysis

A whistleblower within the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) has alleged that the agency offered substantial financial incentives to influence the conclusions of six analysts tasked with investigating the origin of COVID-19. A Tuesday press release from the US Committee on Oversight and Accountability states that the whistleblower is a credible and senior-level CIA officer. Of […]
BREAKING: Canada had more deaths per capita in vaccine-coerced 2021 than in 2020

With a vaccine, you’d expect deaths to drop, right?
US college reinstates COVID mask mandate

Yes, this actually just happened.
CTV: 18 COVID stories in just 2 days

This is the definition of a psyop.