Risk of death from COVID vaccines too high for young men, says Florida Health

The Florida State Department of Health has announced that men under 40 should avoid the COVID mRNA vaccine due to the risk of cardiac-related death.
Doctors told to give drugs to people who don’t want COVID vaccines

The College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario is encouraging doctors to offer drugs or psychotherapy to patients who don’t want the COVID-19 vaccines.
Federal government executives collect $190 million from pandemic profit

Records show that federal government executives pocketed $190 million from the COVID-19 pandemic.
Australia bill opens the door to forced vaccinations

Australia has introduced legislation that grants COVID-19 officers authorization to strip people from their homes and vaccinate them against their will.
Depleted military facing ‘applicant crisis’ under Trudeau’s WOKE agenda

Canada’s military is so short-staffed under Trudeau’s leadership that 10,000 positions are currently unfilled, and recruitment admits there’s an “applicant crisis.”
Air Canada says Trudeau’s travel restrictions were not ‘justified’

Air Canada says the Trudeau Liberals’ COVID-19 travel restrictions were not “justified by science.”
Genetically modified mosquitoes vaccinate a human

A box full of genetically modified mosquitos successfully vaccinated a human against malaria in a trial funded by the National Institute of Health (NIH).
Pro COVID vaccine doctor calls for worldwide suspension of mRNA shots

A British doctor has reversed his stance on the COVID-19 vaccines and called for a worldwide suspension, pending an inquiry.
WaPo publishes headline “Should I get my anti-vax friends’ baby vaccinated without telling them?”

The Washington Post has published a column titled “Should I get my anti-vax friends’ baby vaccinated without telling them?”
Woman drops dead immediately after receiving COVID booster

A woman reportedly died in a Saskatchewan pharmacy immediately after receiving a COVID-19 booster shot.