ArriveCan app finally scrapped in Canada

The Canadian Liberal government has finally scrapped the ArriveCan app as well as mask and quarantine requirements for anyone travelling by plane or train.
Dr. Bridle vindicated after Moderna CMO’s confession

A June interview with Moderna’s Chief Medical Officer has surfaced where he concedes the spike protein from the COVID vaccine can interact with and damage heart cells, vindicating Dr. Byram Bridle, a Canadian doctor who warned about the vaccine over a year ago.
Vaccine mandate for travellers returning from international travel dropping this month

The federal government is reportedly ending vaccine discrimination for unvaccinated individuals entering Canada at the end of the month.
Hundreds of doctors declare medical crisis from vaccine

Hundreds of doctors from across 34 countries have declared a medical crisis due to alleged excess disease and death related to the COVID vaccine.
Bill Gates wants “conspiracy theories” about him to go away

Multibillionaire Bill Gates wants conspiracy theories about him to go away after hearing he’s “putting chips into people.”
“According to Trudeau I’m an extremist” Twitter trend goes viral

Canadians slandered by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau for refraining the experimental COVID vaccines are taking back the narrative with a viral Twitter trend.
Study suggests COVID vaccine destroys natural immunity

The COVID-19 vaccine could destroy natural immunity, suggests a new study which examines vaccinated and unvaccinated children.
Denmark ends COVID jab for people under 50

Denmark has banned the COVID-19 vaccine for most people under 50, the Danish Health Authority said yesterday.
UK ends vaccine for kids under 12

The UK has banned the COVID-19 vaccine for children under 12, saying kids don’t need it and they likely already have natural immunity.
Ivermectin labelled ‘possible treatment’ 29 months into pandemic

Months after Health Canada said it’s “disinformation” to use ivermectin, America’s health agency is considering the “possible treatment.”