EU MEPs call for an end to lockdowns and discrimination against unvaccinated

Three members of the European Parliament called for an end to COVID lockdowns, censorship over discussions surrounding the pandemic, and discrimination towards the unvaccinated.
Yacht owners won’t have to pay EU carbon tax

When it comes to climate change, it’s rules for thee but not for me. That much is certain, especially after it was revealed that among those marine vessels exempt from the EU’s carbon tax are luxury yachts owned by the very billionaires pushing for climate change legislation.
German Health Minister says compulsory vaccination is a “moderate” policy

Germany is in the news again after Health Minister Karl Lauterbach called compulsory vaccinations (fining and potentially jailing unvaccinated citizens) a “moderate” policy.
YOU WILL EAT BUGS: EU legalized sale of insects for human consumption

In late 2021, the EU finally approved globalists’ fever dream of watching Europeans degrade themselves by eating bugs and maggots.
EU imposing mass Muslim migration experiment on Europeans: Hungarian PM

A mass human migration experiment is happening in Europe right now, warns Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán.
Top EU leader wants vaccine mandates for all Europeans

A year ago, forced vaccination was decried by the mainstream media as the stuff of conspiracy theories, but now one of the top EU officials wants to force 27 sovereign member nations to legislate mandatory vaccination on their population.
EU says there will likely be a 9-month expiration date on vaccination status

The EU said they would table a proposal to make one’s vaccination status expire after just nine months, likely requiring Europeans to be inoculated with subsequent booster shots if they don’t want to be considered an unvaccinated second-class citizen.