BoC Deputy Governor links housing crisis with high immigration

“Canada’s housing supply has not kept pace with recent increases in immigration.”
Nearly half of Canadians want to spend less on international aid, poll shows

Just 12% of Canadians wish to increase spending on international aid, as the Trudeau Government’s Ukraine support nears $10 billion.
Poilievre releases mini doc on Canada’s housing crisis

Poilievre’s scathing mini doc on Canada’s housing crisis lays blame squarely on the Trudeau Liberals.
TRAGIC NEWS: Plastics straws to remain banned as long as Trudeau stays in power

The Liberals will fight tooth and nail to keep their single-use plastics ban in place.
NDP to support Conservative motion against Liberal carbon tax on home heating

NDP take surprising turn and will put pressure on Trudeau’s carbon tax.
BREAKING: Trudeau to maintain record high immigration for at least 2 more years

Trudeau Liberals will continue their plan to pack in half a million immigrants per year by 2025.
Premier Moe says Sask Energy will stop collecting carbon tax Jan. 1 if Trudeau doesn’t scrap it by then

Moe promises bold action against Trudeau’s carbon tax.
Liberal MP says Western Canada can get carbon tax pauses too by voting Liberal

Liberal MP tells Canadians they can get special treatment if they vote for her party.
NDP-Liberals vote to keep COVID vaccine mandates on the table

NDP-Liberals vote to keep option on table to impose more COVID mandates.
BREAKING: Liberals block RCMP commissioner from testifying about Trudeau

Liberals block RCMP from testifying about Trudeau blocking RCMP from investigating him.