Can King Charles put his WEF past behind him?

Based on comments he made at a 2020 Davos speech, King Charles appears to be a staunch supporter of the WEF Great Reset agenda.
WEF says there are “solid” reasons to microchip children

In a recent article published by the World Economic Forum (WEF) on augmented reality, the author argues that there are several “solid” reasons to give children microchip implants.
MSN prints WEF propaganda originally written for Chinese publication by PR firm

The Microsoft Network (MSN) recently parroted a climate-centric “circular economy” pushed by China, initially propagated by a public relations company with big connections.
WEF uses drones to vaccinate rural populations

The World Economic Forum (WEF) is currently running trials using drones to deliver vaccines to rural populations in India.
WEF wants to use AI to automate censorship of “disinformation”

The World Economic Forum (WEF) has revealed its latest scheme: they want to use AI to automate the censorship of whatever they deem “hate speech” and “disinformation.”
Trudeau is implementing a federal “Digital Identity Program”

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is in lockstep with Klaus Schwab’s Great Reset agenda now that the Liberal government has unveiled its ambitious federal “Digital Identity Program.”
UCP frontrunner attacked for past WEF support

Statements made by Danielle Smith in 2014 are making the rounds of the Albertan political sphere, which appears to demonstrate the UCP leadership frontrunner supporting the World Economic Forum.
Pope Francis tells young Europeans they need to eat less meat

His Holiness Pope Francis is demanding that young Europeans stop eating so much meat in a bid to save the planet from climate change.
Australian Senator denounces the WEF and its supporters

Australian Senator Malcolm Roberts recently denounced the WEF and its supporters, warning that the Great Reset will lead to “serfdom.”
The WEF wants to sew digital IDs into your clothing

The WEF is pushing for digital IDs to be sewn into people’s clothes to ‘save the planet’ by transitioning from buying to renting clothes to reduce waste.