In a telling moment of self-awareness about his dwindling time left as Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau said that he plans to be an activist after his long tenure in Canadian politics.

Speaking on a Freakonomics podcast about the probable (if not inevitable) ousting from the highest position in Canada and what he might do after, Trudeau said, “I’m ultimately a social activist who’s going to look to how I can have a positive impact on the world. I did it as a teacher. I’m doing it now as a politician. Whatever I do next, I will continue to try and have an impact on the world.
“But for now, I’m very much happy and focused on the job I have and not thinking about the future too much, except the future for young Canadians that we’re trying to build.”
Trudeau’s approval rating has sunk through the floor
This comment comes at a time when Trudeau’s approval rating is at all-time lows, and poll after poll shows the Conservatives may win a supermajority, almost entirely due to Canadians being fed up with the Liberals’ destruction of the Canadian economy.
Federal Polling:
— Polling Canada (@CanadianPolling) April 30, 2024
CPC: 44% (+10)
LPC: 24% (-9)
NDP: 16% (-2)
BQ: 8% (-)
GPC: 4% (+2)
PPC: 3% (-2)
Nanos Research / April 26, 2024 / n=1000 / MOE 3.1% / Telephone
(% Change With 2021 Federal Election)
Check out federal details on @338Canada at:
As per a recent Nanos poll that asked Canadians “Which of the following feelings best describes your views of the federal government in Ottawa?”, 31% of Canadians feel anger, 31% feel pessimism, 11% feel uninterested, and just 11% and 10% feel satisfaction and optimism, respectively (6% are unsure).
In response to these factors, Trudeau has been erratically lashing out at critics and wealthy Canadians whom he targeted with his latest budget and capital gains tax hike, as well as trying to pile the blame of Canada’s failing economy on Stephen Harper, someone who hasn’t been in office for nearly a decade
Thus, the recent podcast was a nice change of pace, showing that even Trudeau, along with the rest of Canada, is aware that his days as PM are numbered.