Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Defense Minister Bill Blair told reporters on Monday that, despite the massive recruitment challenges the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) is facing, the defense department will be deploying more members in Canada to uphold “civil authority.”

This was one of several new policy announcements made Monday by Prime Minister Trudeau, including an investment of $8.1 billion into the CAF over the next five years.
When asked by a reporter why part of their new policy update included an intention to help domestic law enforcement in Canada, the PM turned the question over to Defense Minister Blair, who said it was for natural disasters.
“We’ve called upon the Canadian Armed Forces many times over the past three years to help Canadians respond to to wildfires, for floods, for hurricanes,” he said.
“When Canadians needed someone to come to their rescue, we turned to the Canadian Armed Forces. And I have to ensure that they have the capability to continue to be there for Canadians.”
Blair acknowledged that training for domestic matters takes away from the number of CAF members who can train for —and staff— international deployments, adding that it’s all the more reason they need to improve recruitment.
CAF recruitment disaster
Canada’s military is currently facing a recruitment disaster that’s recognized internationally. Recently leaked intelligence documents showed Canada’s military woes are “widespread,” and Trudeau knows he can’t meet NATO commitments.
More members have left the CAF than joined it since COVID vaccines were mandated for all staff. Currently, the CAF is about 15,500 staff short.
Woke agenda
Nestled deep within the Liberal government’s 2022 budget was a whopping $100.5 million in taxpayer funding for “gender identity” culture change and training in the Canadian Armed Forces.
More recently, the Trudeau Government mandated that tampons be placed in men’s bathrooms in all federally regulated buildings, a move that earned international headlines and mockery.
RCMP warn of riots
Last month, a secret RCMP report warned of societal unrest in Canada’s future due to increasing levels of distrust towards authorities and the cost-of-living crisis.
The report further states that “authoritarian movements have been on the rise” in nations such as Canada, and warns the RCMP to be “adaptable” and ready for “unexpected crises.”