During a news conference on Wednesday, PM Justin Trudeau told Canadians to brace themselves for additional lockdowns and pandemic restrictions over the non-threatening Omicron variant.
“Let’s be honest, this isn’t how anyone wanted to be starting 2022,” Trudeau began. “I can understand that people are frustrated, people are tired, people had a holiday season that was less festive for most people across the country than they would have liked.”
“We’re closing in on two years of this pandemic,” he continued, “and there’ve been moments of more intensity and moments of less. But I think everyone was hoping that we would be [in] a much better place right now. And yet here we find ourselves again in many parts of the country, in lockdowns with public health rules, with school back virtually….”
For once, I think everyone can agree with Trudeau. This is bullsh*t.
Nothing has changed after two years of lockdowns, mask mandates, vaccine mandates, vaccine passports, and widespread discrimination based on people’s medical statuses. Not a thing has changed for the better. Life is worse for everyone, and tyranny and corruption run rampant across the country.
Two weeks to stop the spread has turned into two years with no end in sight. And according to our Prime Minister, it’s going to be pandemic business as usual. No exit strategy. No treatments — other than the ineffective vaccine. Nothing.
Indeed, Trudeau says that his plan going forward will be to continue compelling Canadians to comply with the same restrictions and mandates which have done absolutely nothing to end the pandemic.
However, according to Trudeau, now it isn’t about COVID being lethal or even about the case counts. Now it’s about saving our oh-so-fragile healthcare system from collapsing due to the sniffles, as Omicron is essentially non-lethal and milder than any of the previous COVID strains.
Many Canadians aren’t buying this line anymore, though. After all, how could it be about protecting our healthcare system from being overwhelmed when several provinces have gone ahead and fired tens of thousands of healthcare workers for refusing the vaccine?
The answer is, of course, that it isn’t about our healthcare system either. Instead, as it always has been, it is about a government power grab, which everyday Canadians are enabling through continued capitulation.
However, it may be difficult even for Trudeau to keep the charade going, as other countries are already calling for an end to the pandemic due to the mildness of Omicron.