Katie Telford, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s long-running Chief of Staff, got fact checked after attempting to shift the negative attention away from her boss and towards the opposition Conservatives.

Community Notes are provided on Twitter when information is false, misleading, or lacks important context.
Telford tweeted on Thursday that no Conservative MP was “pro-choice” in an attempt to stir up the regular “abortion” fear-mongering card that the Liberals often resort to.
Community Noted 💅 pic.twitter.com/R4BDETNVKl
— Élie Cantin-Nantel (@elie_mcn) August 4, 2023
Telford included an article about a Bill the Conservatives tabled — and the Liberals rejected — that would increase the penalty on criminals who physically assault women when the women are pregnant. However, Liberals voted against the Bill, and claimed the Conservatives were trying to take away abortion rights since it had to do with protecting the women’s fetus.
This is false. https://t.co/D9g3jtF57N
— Warren Kinsella (@kinsellawarren) August 5, 2023
Telford got fact checked
But Twitter provided a community note to Telford’s attempted distraction away from her Trudeau’s divorce revelation, and amid some of his worst polling numbers ever.
“Bill C-311 is a 78 word Bill that does not contain the word abortion,” the community note state under Telford’s tweet.
“The Bill is to protect pregnant women with aggravating circumstance for the purpose of sentencing.”
Incredible that the Prime Minister’s Chief of Staff is reposting disinformation. https://t.co/wPwleUyXgJ
— Alan Fryer 🇨🇦🇺🇦 (@alanfryermedia) August 4, 2023
Wow. The disinformation label now pinned on Trudeau’s chief of staff. You guys are cooked. Give it up! Bill C-311 had nothing to do with with abortion but everything to do with protecting a pregnant women from aggregated assault which is 97% done by men! You voted against it! https://t.co/CaqZysNGAo
— Ryan Williams (@Ryan_r_Williams) August 4, 2023