As workplaces across Canada call back unvaccinated workers, those fired because of vaccine mandates need to demand compensation from their employers.

Getting a job back is not enough now that we know that vaccine mandates were not based on science but on politics.
Workplaces tossed thousands of Canadians to the curb, impacting their ability to provide for their families. Although no price can repay the damage done to the lives of the unvaccinated, compensation makes sense.
Last week GO Transit and UPX recalled unvaccinated contractors, citing a staffing shortage. The recalls were effectively an admission of guilt.
Staff shortages in the private and public sectors are a self-inflicted wound driven by the pandemic craze and amplified by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s vindictive policies.
Companies now realize that they rely on the very employees they’ve treated like second-class citizens to survive. That gives unvaccinated workers bargaining power.
Fighting for compensation begins with refusing to return to work. Otherwise, unvaccinated workers are essentially letting their employers off the hook.
Across Canada, businesses are desperate for new workers; some are even hiking wages or offering sign-up bonuses.
Clearly, the demand is there, and if companies are willing to cough up extra money for new hires, compensation packages for the unvaccinated can be done.
Of course, there will be resistance, but class action lawsuits happening across Canada by unvaccinated workers are a sign of hope.
There will never be justice for unconscionable lockdowns and restrictions until Canadians demand it.
If all unvaccinated workers refused to return to their former workplace today, it would be a sign to employers that they must earn those employees back.
All workers are essential, and Canada needs a strong workforce now more than ever as disastrous Liberal policies threaten to upend our economy.